Lunch Seminar

Price: 50 000 :-

Lunch seminars are already a popular concept among the students at KTH and are usually held on campus during lunch hours. The seminars give you an opportunity to reach a wide audience while ...

Afterwork/Office Visit

Price: 15 000 :-

An after-work or office visit with us allows your colleagues to show your premises to the students while socializing with them. This gives the student a feel for your workplace culture and to have a ...

Sponsored Pub

Price: 60 000 :-

A sponsored pub gives your company a more up close and personal experience. It allows you to socialize with the Computer Science students in META, our roomy chapter house on KTH ...

Case Event

Price: 17 000 kr + 150 kr / student :-

This event is similar to the after-work/office visit events. A case event gives you an opportunity to test the students’ skills while providing them with a fun challenge. Depending on the type of case ...